Google search tips and tricks.When we say about Internet the first name come to our mind is the name Google. Last year there were trillions of searches are made by peoples around the world. There are some ways for making your Google searches more fun and effective. Here are some tips for your Google search.
By using this you can easily find the definition of a word.
word * word
For finding the combination of
With *
Without *
If you want to search only within a site.
File type:
Easily get the results of the file types
we wants like PDF,PPT,DOC etc.
Add Plus Sign
Shows result of exact word you search. I.e.
no plurals are in search results. For example if we search for feeling it shows
result only the word related to feeling instead of word feelings.
Shows only pages that have the title you
“Set of words”
To find the words in exact order you
You can find the movies that run in theatres
nearby you entering the city's name or zip code.
Set a timer
Yes you can set a timer in Google. If you want
to take break while browsing, you can set timer in Google and when the time
runs out Google will beep.
Flip Google
or spin the Google page by searching “do a barrel roll".
Tilt Google
Tilt the Google page by searching tilt
or askew.
Zerg Rush
Search for zerg rush and shows
page that are eaten by O’s
Sort the results by Author
You can search only for the popular
books by an author or search for songs only by an artist.
Two type of results
Simultaneously get two results by
making a single search.
Search with *
If you forget a song and knows only some
part of it, search with the asterisks *, the Google will complete
the search by adding missing words to it.
By adding hyphen to the search you can exclude
a word from search or its more useful when you want to search a word with
several meanings.
With Hyphen
Without Hyphen
Find all the pages that contain your searched url.
Ip address
Search for ip address,shows your public IP address.
By adding vs to the search you get the compared results in a table
To get the cached copy of a website those
are online or not. For example type "cache: site name" without quotes on the browser url field or search bar of browser.
See all Google Doodles
Without entering any search and hit I am feeling lucky, you can see all
the doodles that created by Google for special days.
Shows only result that related to your search.
More you know pls share via comments.
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